Wozair staff were delighted to take part in the Christmas Shoebox appeal run by local charity, the Gillingham Street Angels. Their mission is helping the homeless, needy, and vulnerable people of all ages in the Medway towns.
The Street Angels currently feed 8,000 people per month with 3,500 of these being children. They also provide 6,500 school lunches a month. Many families across the UK cannot afford food and toys / clothes for their children, often having to decide between the two. At this time of year, in the run up to Christmas, it can be especially difficult.
Since March 2020, the people needing their support has grown and diversified to include many people who never needed charitable help before and who need it now due to no fault of their own. This year there are nearly 5 times the number of people dependant on the charity.
The boxes contained items such and toys, sweets, clothing and gifts and targeted a variety of age groups.
We would like to thank everyone at Wozair that took the time to prepare a box or two and to the Street Angels for the endless work that they do to make the festive period brighter for as many people as possible.
They can only continue to provide these services with our help. If you would like to make a donation, you can do so here – https://www.thestreet-angels.org/donate
December 2021
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