Wozair Limited in the UK manages its operations in a responsible and ethical manner, with the aim of preventing injury or ill health to persons on its premises including, employees, subcontractors and the general public through continual management and minimisation of potential risks. Wozair Limited is committed to implementing an effective Health and Safety Management System that meets the requirements of ISO 45001:2018.
The Board of Directors at Wozair Limited have overall accountability for the effectiveness of Occupational Health and Safety Management System and are committed to continual improvement. We monitor and measure our H&S performance and set objectives to improve our performance.
Wozair Limited will maintain compliance with applicable contractual and legal obligations and any other requirements to which it subscribes to that are relevant to our undertaking, to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all our employees, contractors, visitors and members of the public who may be affected.
Employees, contractors and visitor are required to comply with the requirements set out in this Policy. All employees are advised that it is an offence to recklessly or intentionally interfere with, or misuse, anything provided in furtherance of health and safety or welfare.
All persons on Wozair premises are required to go about their tasks in a manner that does not compromise their health or safety or that of anyone else around them. Should any person observe an unsafe act, he/she is required to report this directly to senior management.
Copies of this policy will be provided to all employees and contractors working on our premises at induction training and copies are always available at the place of work.
This Health & Safety policy is reviewed as a minimum on an annual basis, or more often if required and is available and applicable to all Wozair Limited employees, contractors working under Wozair control and to visitors to the premises.
Wozair Group Health & Safety Policy Statement